Just because...

Saturday, May 15, 2010

So it's been 3 years...

When I last posted, I was a sophomore in high school. I was about to finish my sophomore year... Now, I just finished my freshman year of college... though I prefer to think about it as semesters. I finished my second semester of college. I failed English because I read the exam question wrong and wrote an essay that didn't answer the question. My teacher counted it for half credit. Thanks for nothing, eh? Yeah... My life has changed drastically over the last three years. For one, I came out of the closet. YAY LGBT! For two, I strengthened my love affair with TV. I have relationships with my TV shows. I fall in and out of love with shows and they're my interactions with people without actually talking to people. For three, I'm much more sure of who I am. And I'm confident in that. I think going to college really helped that. Especially a college where no one knows me and I don't know them. In high school, the persona of myself I had created in middle school had followed me. People thought of me through the looking glass of that persona. They didn't see me. I didn't even see me though... because I looked at myself like that. Being in an environment where there was no persona really helped me see me for me. I've kind of gotten to a point where I know me and I don't love me yet... but I like me. That's a drastic improvement.

So other new stuff:
I play the guitar now (or rather, I'm learning to play the guitar)
I want to be a therapist specializing in adolescence
I want to write a book called "The Terrible Teens" and it will be an in-depth look to the problems with the way society treats adolescence
I'm head over heels in love with Taylor Swift. She's my dream woman
I'm writing a movie called "Resurrection: The Second Resurrection"

and that's really all I can think of now...


  • At 6:08 PM , Anonymous Kate said...

    I love your writing style :) I'll be checking back.

  • At 7:56 PM , Blogger Zoë said...

    Why thank you Kate!


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