Just because...

Saturday, May 15, 2010


I'm just going to put this out in the open. I love being gay. And I love how on TaylorConnect, people are hearting my posts in support of gay people. I was just involved in a fight on a Neil Patrick Harris message board about sexuality and the gay supports won like no one's business. It makes me feel like we might actually have a shot at equality at some point in my lifetime. But something that I think is said way too little... is the fight for equality is not just about being proud. It's about fighting. It is called a "fight" for a reason. Someone on TaylorConnect said to "chill out." But I won't "chill out." It's not ok for someone to say something like "you're gay, that's nasty." Something I said in the fight on the NPH board was about how if we want equality, we're going to have to start acting like we're not all that different. I know that has nothing to do with the comment made on TaylorConnect... but since we're on the subject, I figured I'd rant a bit.

A friend of mine recently read an article in Cosmo (I know, not the most prestigious source... but whatever) about gender equality in the workplace. The central message of the article was if women want to have equality and be treated like men, they shouldn't just whine and complain like little girls. They should do something and start "manning up." If your boss is mean to you, don't go cry about it, do better work. It's the same general idea. If we want equality, we're going to have to work for it. And that means no more stupid drag shows. No more pride rallies that become "who can look the most like the opposite sex." None of that. We need to look like we're just normal people living normal lives who deserve normal rights. Enough with the flamboyant act. It's no longer cute and funny. It's taking away from our credibility. It's what happened to CodePINK the women's anti-war group. Their stunts and plays on the color pink were cute and funny and played a part in the message at first... and then they became too crazy and too "housewife-y" and all credibility they ever had was lost in those stupid stunts. That's what's happening to the gay community. Those rallies at one point in time were funny and cute and a play on what society said we should be... but now, we're just proving them right. I have another friend who can't understand why I hate drag shows. He said to me "drag shows are like a rite of passage in the gay community." I think that's wrong. it should not be a rite of passage to play into the stereotypes that all gay people are just like members of the opposite sex. That negates our point that we're normal people with normal lives who deserve normal rights.

I would apologize for ranting... but really, blogs are for ranting and raving and talking nonsense about your life. haha


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