Just because...

Friday, May 05, 2006


Ok, so I THINK I'm going to DC... which ROCKS! And Um... Yeah... good things have been happening... aside from last night when I felt HORRIBLE because the reality of the seniors (mainly Marc) hit because of the concert... I've been the best I've been in A LONG TIME! I don't know why either... the weirdest things make me happy too... like when I found out you could now have cars on whyville... I DON'T EVEN PLAY WHYVILLE! But it somehow made me happy... and when I read that Marc DIDN'T love me... That made me happy too... wierd... anyway great happenings have happened... Yes...

That's the pic Mr. Christian drew me... he said the cyclops would be my future boyfriend... and maybe husband... hahahahahaha!!!

OH and Maria is not very smart... or atleast the things she says aren't... like "Is Belgium a country?" And "So the crops killed the people?" and "What's the Iraqi guy? Osoma something?" and then one said by Xena first that I found out was also said by Maria, "Why is Easter allways on a Sunday?" As you can see... wow... there are some stupid people in the ninth grade... very stupid... now...

Maya got slapped by an ugly stick! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!

and I've been thinking about the past year... and I stupmbled across a memory that then when it happened was A HORRIBLE memory... but now... I laugh! "Roses are red, Violets are blue, Your hair is nappy, And so are you, Love Marc" That's what was on that card that guy in study skills handed me that started the whole fiasco on Valentines day in Ms. Waldrums 3rd period Study Skills class. Actually what started it all was when I was walking TO study skills and I saw Marc and he looked at me with this look like "I know something you don't know and you will never know it!" and I got mad... SO me being the vocal person I am, I started yelling about it and then my whole study skills class was asking who the hell Marc was... Exept those who knew him... they looked at me like "EW" and like "He doesn't like you..." and "Omg... You're STILL not over this guy!" Yeah... I felt very uncomfortable... then when that kid... I forgot his name... started passing those cards... Things got out of control... we talked all class period... and stuff... Then Marc and the others doing songagrams with him walked in to give Britany a songagram.... I watched knowing I should have been in that chair but I had blown that that weekend... Pissed at myself and wanting SOO bad what I had NOT wanted before... or so I thought... I really did want it... I wanted him to think I didn't so he would because I thought he would try to displease me... so the looks I gave him were mixed... with lust, love, hate, sadness, happiness to see him, anger, and more... when he was leaving the guy passing notes to me said "Hey are you Marc?" and Marc said "Yeah..." and the guy said "She likes you!" and pointed his finger at me... Marc rolled his eyes and hurried out of the room... I then slammed my hand on the guy'd desk and said... "OMG! WHY THE HELL DID YOU DO THAT?!" and Ms. Walldrum said "No need for that." and I said "YES THERE IS!!!" the period ended with embarassment... Ms. Walldrum had somehow picked up that I liked the guy.... SOOO wrong... but funny.... it wasn't then but it is now... That whole period is... yeah

Also in thinking over the year... I've come to realize I've wasted my year... I've wasted it in the sense of its been a few select people... mostly Marc... Sad I know... I feel rather ashammed to admit that he has been my freshmen year... but its true...

That brings me to me Ashleigh and Freddi's outlook on guys: LOOSERS!!! They are shit heads... and if you want more... Just message me... I can go on for HOURS on this...

OOH and I was listining to the radio and 100.7 used a part from Napoleon Dynomite... they said "What are you going to play now?" "whatever I feel like," "no rules... just the best music!" "GOSH!" hahahahahahaha! That was great!

OH and I have felt what its like to have a child on you in the middle of the night "Mommy, I threw up... Mommy I need help... Mommy I'm hungry... Mommy I'm sick... Mommy... Mommy... Mommy... Mommy..." Natasha did that ALL night Wednsday night...she couldn't hold down food and she kept throwing up and I had to take care of her AND I had to go to school the next morning... Annoying... But motherly... I love her...

And Ms. Kearny needs to use permanent marker more often... that was fun....

and she came up with TTYOB: Tend To Your Own Buisness! WOOOT!!!!

And Mr. Christian is a perv and makes preverted comments... then calls us pervs! UGH! But thats why ya gotta love him!


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