Just because...

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Ok, here it goes

I feel like a zombie right now...

So this entry will have two parts... one on graduation two on the good things in life

Part One : Graduation
Ok, so right before I left, I was looking for my shoes and I couldn't find them... That was a sign things were going to go wrong. When we got to school I was talking to Livia and I went upstairs got my flute, put it together and went to the gym because that's where my friends went to. A little over half the band went down there. Including older people. Then JR comes down and yells at us... apperently we weren't supposed to go down there yet. Then those stupid people who took their cases down there got bitched at. I wasn't one of them but I had to hear the bitching. Then we go down there and all of the sudden, my flute starts screwing up. It was going in an out of tune and just screwing up. I had to tighten a screw. So I did... then it got REALLY sharp. And when it does that, the screw has been tightened too much, so I loosened it a little, then while playing the thing came almost OUT!! So I had to play with the bar almost falling off. I fixed that and everything was fine, untill we were about to play America the Beautiful. the bar was litterally falling off, it wouldn't go back on, my screw had gone missing and all eyes were on the band. I fiixed that in a hurry. My god! My flute is a peice of SHIT! Yeah... then I cried when Mary Claire cave her adress and I cried when Marc walked by (both times) and when he got his diploma. I also cried when Jordan walked by (out) and when she got her diploma. I cried several other times too and after, I felt like a zombie, I felt dead. I didn't want to speak to anyone, but I wanted hugs. I was said "I'm sorry" to a million times. People realized I was hurt by this. Even those who may normally say "Zoë, you are pathetic!" said "I'm sorry Zoë. You'll move on." That was great. I felt like people cared about me.

Part Two : Enjoying the Good Things in Life
Ok, so on *thinks* what day was it? hmmm... Oh Thurday... So on Thursday, when dad came to get us, we went to Harris Teeter. While in the middle of the store, "Bad Day" cam on. I HAD to sing along! I realized then, sometimes what you need is to break down and sit in the middle of a public place and sing! People were walking by, starring, laughing, pointing and whatever else they were doing. I realized that sometimes, what you need is to do something like that. Enjoy the good things in life AKA music! Have fun! Do what YOU want! If people laugh, SO BE IT! ONe of the things touched on by SO many people in Graduation today, is "be yourself don't ever change for anyone and express yourself the way YOU want to. Don't be ashamed to do what you want. Do things because YOU want to. Don't do things because YOU don't wan to. Don't do them because OTHERS want you to. Don't not do things because OTHERS don't want you to. Do what YOU want and be YOURSELF" This is great advice I think everyone (not just the Grads) should take. Its what I've been saying for YEARS! And FINALLY, I see that others get, that's what you do when you get older, you be yourself more. You do what YOU want. That's what you SHOULD do! Back to enjoying the good things, so yesterday, at Red Lobster, "Wonderwall" came on... I like tripped over Igor and ran to the bathroom so I could hear it better. I was in there singing at the top of my lungs. I was singing as loud as I could. There as a lady in the bathroom who kept humming her own song. I knew she was trying to say "shut up" but I didn't care. When I got back to the table, I learned that Jessica loves "Wonderwall" and "Champane Supernova" just like I do. Those are HER two favorite Oasis songs too! It felt great to make common ground between us because of music. It just goes to show you how special music can be! OOH like on Friday, you know how we had no school, well I sat here in front of the computer and listened to music for HOURS! It was GREAT! I found all the songs I love, I listened to them, I sung my heart out, and I got weird stares from people walking by when I was blasting my music sitting outside in my front yard. HAHA! anyway, I just wanted to express how amazing music really is!

Now for a tribute to My Freshman Year AKA Marc Larance
I love you... I will miss you and I will NEVER forget you. I send much love and I hope you are very successfull through life. I can't wait 'till you maybe come back to visit next year. And I just want you to know that I will NEVER EVER EVER (and infinty times NEVER EVER) forget you. You will always be My Freshman Year. And I know that in years to come, when I look back at freshman year, your face will be the first thing I see. When I look back at my freshman yearbook, and I get to your picure (any of them), I will cry, scream, laugh, shake my head, flail around, roll my eyes at myself, and of course, I'll stare. I'll think of how much I wanted you and how much it hurt to see you go. I'll think about how much I love you and loved you. And I'll remember. I'll remember the times I felt SO happy to see your face. I'll remember the times I just wanted to push you off the face of the Earth, and I'll remember Marching Season this year. I'll remember it all. And I just want to say, Goodbye.

Rent song of now : Goodbye
Rent quote of now :I can't believe he's (Marc) gone, I can't believe you're (Mike) going, I can't believe this family (the people I know and love) must die. I can't believe this is... GOODBYE!


  • At 10:17 PM , Blogger Zoë said...

    I'll miss you too! and your 13 freckles!

  • At 11:08 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    zoe you gave me chills- i'm sorry... DON'T you count my freckles!

  • At 3:03 AM , Blogger Zoë said...

    Don't worry Megan... your feckles are safe... or are the?!


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